Sunday, June 11, 2006

Episcopal Church and Visual Arts Exhibit

Linking my way through the Anglican/Episcopal internet, I found a link on the Episcopal Church home page to Faces of Christ gallery, "in collaboration with".

Which is? Apparently The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts. *That* links to Visual Preludes 2006, which is described as "a gift to the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, Columbus Ohio, June 13-21 2006". So you see, I haven't *really* strayed off topic/gotten distracted by something shiny. It's all connected--isn't that cool?

While I was looking through these links, I was also listening to the orientation video that is provided for people who will be deputies to the General Convention. Much focus on pacing yourself, getting enough rest, being prepared to do a lot of walking, etc. So it also occurs to me that looking at these images can be restful and replenishing, which has got to be a Good Thing.

The image you see above is Centering by Ginny Runge, and is from the Wisdom of God gallery.

Which of these images speaks to you?

Alternate link for comments

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